Charitable Organisations

Posted: воскресенье, 5 августа 2012 г. by max in

FEBA is part of EAPN Europe, European Anti Poverty Network, which is a European network of associations fighting against poverty and social exclusion.

EAPN Europe is based on 28 national networks and 23 European organizations.

The national networks are national charities that deal with different aspects of poverty in each country. Many charities receive food from the Food Banks.

The European organizations are fighting the specific problems of poverty at the European level: unemployment, child poverty, homeless, migrants, racism, mental health, food poverty in the case of FEBA, etc...

EAPN Europe intercedes at a political European level in the field of European employment, social inclusion and requests for European Structural Funds.

EAPN played a leading role in launching the 2010 European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion with a strong communication and meetings in each country.

Jean M. Delmelle, FEBA President, participated to the EAPN annual General Meeting celebrating its 20th anniversary on June 10th, 11th and 12th in Cyprus, and its theme was: the Migrants in Europe.

GFN, the Global Foodbanking Network, was founded in 2006 by the Food Banks organizations from 4 countries: Argentina, Canada, Mexico and the United States, with the goal to develop the Food Bank concept in other countries in the world and put together their resources to increase donations in terms of food and financial support.

GFN is a non-governmental organization, located in Chicago,USA , and is supported through private or enterprise grants and donations; some of these companies being part of the founding members. GFN presently regroups the food banks from 10 countries, while actively working at the development of food banks in additional countries.

FEBA and GFN have regular contacts for information exchanges, sharing of good practices; they work at coordinating their actions towards multinational companies, in the framework of the Corporate Social Responsibility programs of these companies to fight against food waste and against hunger.

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